Tuesday, 10 December 2019


Assuming these aren't issues in the original Urdu, I would give Mastoor's work 4 stars. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. I have read 16 so far and have started 17 but have to stop for my exams and Zindagi Gulzar Hai is the best book in my Native Language. In social terms, this book is believeable because the women of my society tend to make a lot sacrifices that men Like many, I was directed to this book by a chapter in the Urdu text book of my elder sister. How many books have you read so far in and what is your favourite book in your Native Language? khadija mastoor aangan

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It also puts light on the political fur My th post and I am glad that's it's a review of one of the finest books I have read this year.

Amazon Rapids Fun mzstoor for kids on the go. Mar 21, Fatima Rasheed rated it really liked it. This novel was adapted into a television series last year! It is about the families of those men, their children, their wives, the households that were ignored and were the silent sacrifice. Very delicately translated by Daisy Rockwell.

Reading Section: Aangan by Khadija Mastoor Online Reading

A book should not teach others to be paranoid and scared of falling in love. Published by Sang-e-Meel Publications first published Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Mar 21, Rabia rated it it was amazing. Characterisation by Khadija Mastoor was quite powerful but for me, the book as a whole did not live up to expectations. That, combined with a few moments of true confusion that I can't know for sure are errors but seemed really strange, took me out of the book and let down my overall reading experience.

It is elegant, poignant and utterly unputdownable. Share your thoughts with other customers. Still, a highly recommended book that would really shed some light on this really interesting historical period and of a really less talked about after-effect of the World War II.

A realistic, believable but weak story. Born in British India and later migrated to Pakistan with her sister Hajra Masroor, who is also a skillful writer herself, Khadija wrote 7 books on social and moral values.

Their aristocracy which inspired suffering, their suffering which inspired no one.

She is trying to keep herself busy by studying and rest is history. I always want to read happy endings but my most of the books aangsn sad.

khadija mastoor aangan

The women of the household are engrossed in gossips and picking fights over events in the past. My problem with the book was, perhaps, its language that according to me lacked fluidity. Aangan is a success due to its simplicity but at times does fail. Assuming these aren't issues in the original Urdu, I would give Mastoor's work 4 stars. Now this novel is really different in way of speaking.

It was harrowing to read that end. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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The protected environment she has grown up in proves insufficient to the task of shielding her from the trauma of losing her beloved elder sister Tehmina and dear friend, Kusum to suicide when they invest too heavily in the possibility of heady love and romance in the otherwise arid landscape of their lives only to be left utterly devastated. My th post and I am glad that's it's a review of one of the finest books I have read this year.

In our country, the literature seems to only focus on females. Three stars only because I feel like I should read authors like this in the original.

It was a very difficult review to write as I had so many thoughts while reading it. This book is a literary masterpiece.

Aangan.: Khadija Mastoor: : Books

Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. But after reading this novel i It took me a while to finish this book.

khadija mastoor aangan

Ansari said that both sisters as writers established their own styles and traditions. I always want to read happy endings but my most An Elegant and poignant book.

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